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Using the Sequentum Enterprise runtime


This functionality is only available with a Sequentum Enterprise OEM License.

You can use the Sequentum Enterprise command-line program on a computer without installing the entire Sequentum Enterprise software environment. You must first copy the Sequentum Enterprise runtime files to any folder on the computer.

The Sequentum Enterprise runtime files can be generated in the Sequentum Enterprise application by choosing Runtime Package in the Application menu. This will generate a zip file with all required files and folders. All these files and folders must be copied to a folder on the target computer.

The RunAgent.exe command-line program is part of the Sequentum Enterprise runtime and can used in the same way RunAgent.exe program in the Sequentum Enterprise installation folder.

These are the minimum computer specifications for running the Sequentum Enterprise runtime:

  • Windows 7/8/10/2008R2/2012/2012R2

  • NET framework version 4.5+

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