Moving or Recreating an ACC Database
The Agent Control Center saves a configuration file named acc.config in its installation folder. This configuration file contains database and login details for the ACC database. If the database stored in the acc.config file no longer exists, the ACC will redirect all users to the login page, and no one will be able to login. In this case, you'll need to open the acc.config file in a text editor and change the database and login details manually.
All passwords in acc.config are encrypted, but you can still put in plain text passwords. The plain text passwords will be accepted, but immediately encrypted when the config file is loaded.
Recreating an ACC Database
If you need to recreate your ACC database from scratch, you can remove the acc.config file and open the ACC config page (http://localhost:8010/config for example). Set the options Create database and Create database objects. Make sure the database you specify doesn't already exist.
Note: If you uninstall the ACC application, the acc.config file is not automatically removed. If you then install a new version of ACC in the same location, the old acc.config file will automatically be used. If the database stored in the old acc.config file no longer exists, you'll not be able to configure or login to the new ACC. In this case you must remove the old acc.config file to be able to configure your new ACC version.
Creating a New Super Admin User
An existing Super Admin user can always create new Super Admin users, but if you have forgotten the login for your existing Super Admin user, you'll need to use the ACC config page to create a new one. Follow these steps to create a new Super Admin user.
Remove the acc.config file. The default location of the acc.config file is C:\AgentControlCenter\Web.
Open the ACC config file. The exact URL depends on your configuration, but it could look like http://localhost:8010/config
Enter your existing organization and database details, but make sure you specify a Root username that doesn't already exist, so not the username of the Super Admin user for whom you've forgotten the password.
Make sure you clear the options Create database and Create database objects.
Save the configuration.
You can now login with your new Super Admin account and reset the password of your old Super Admin password. You can keep the new Super Admin account or delete it once you've reset the password.