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Change Tracking

The Sequentum platform supplies several ways to track changes in the data.  There are simple commands to halt data collection if the data has already been seen (for example, if you are collecting time stamped press releases and only want to collect the new ones from the top of the list).  There is also a more robust change tracking feature that will provide you with a summary of changes on a site, whether an item is added, removed, modified, returned (after having been removed earlier) or returned modified (for example, a used car is returned to the site with a lower price).  Change tracking is a time consuming and error prone task, and a very common building block in data collection operations.  Sequentum has built-in change tracking that covers 95% of the scenarios we typically encounter.  Have a look below to see it in action.

  1. Click Data Menu ->Internal Database settings -> enable Track latest changes.

  2. Data validation window - configure a column as KEY to specify the change tracking should focus there rather than on the full row of content which might include variable content like a date. 

  3. See the status tracked as either Added, Modified or Deleted

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